How to add header and footer code in Wapkiz websites
hello friends, In this post i will give you the Header code and Footer code for your wapkiz website.Follow the below steps that you can easily change the header code and footer code in wapkiz websites.In this post i will explain you the step-by-step method that where you put the code and which code have to let's start the tutorial.
How To Create website on Wapkiz.Com (Downloading Website)
How to change the Header code in wapkiz website ?
- first, copy the header code from below
- then login in wapkiz website using your email and password
- open the panel mode of your website
- then scroll down, find the Header option in the extra category click on it.
- you will find there 3 files delete all.
- then create a Html/ Tag code and paste this code there
- customize the code according to your website name.
Header code
<div style="background-color:black;"><center><a href="/"></br><font color="red" size="5">
<b>pro</b></font> <font color="white" size="5">
<b>apt</b></font> <font color="greenblue" size="5">
<b>.in</b></font> </br> <font color="white" size="2">
<I>no.1 site to download avee player templates</I></font> </a></center></div>
How to change Footer code in wapkiz website ?
- first, copy the header code from below
- then login in wapkiz website using your email and password
- open the panel mode of your website
- then scroll down, find the Footer option in the extra category click on it.
- you will find there a file delete it.
- then create a Html/ Tag code and paste this code there
- customize the code according to your website name.
Footer code
<div align="center">
<h2><a href="#">© 2020</a></h2>
</div><div align="center"></div>
i hope you have successfully configure the header and footer code wapkiz website without any issues or error.if you have any doubts or queries feelfree to have comment below.
Thank you :)