How to create a folder and add select category code in wapkiz website ?
hello friends,in this post i will explain that how to create a folder and upload a files in that folder.along with you get the new select category code for your wapkiz lets start,
before,we add the select categories code in our wapkiz website, first learn how to create a's easy task to create folder's and upload your songs in that folder follow the below steps
How to create a folder in a wapkiz website and upload a song in a folder ?
- Login as admin in your wapkiz profile
- go to the panel mode in the site
- you will see the File Manager (FM) option in Manage section click on it.
- then you will get 3 option New Folder , Upload File , Import File
- Click on the New Folder option to create a Folder in the Select Category.
- after successfully create the folder click on it and select the Upload File button to add songs or any files in the folders.
How to Change select Category Code in Wapkiz website ?
- Login in your wapkiz Account
- Select your site and open it in the panel mode, in which you want to add the folder & files code.
- Click on the Panel on the top side and then click on Manage page.
- select the site-3.html and open
- select the 3rd code start with [fm_folder ] d=-:url................
- If you can't find, create a new one by selecting the html /tag and then paste the below code
- then click on the view to see the new look of your select category section it wapkiz site.
[fm_folder]d=:url-1(:to-fid:):,l=10,s=:url-3(:to-page:):,p=1||<div><div class="catRow">
<a href="/page-3/%id%/%lname%.html"><div> <b>%name%</b></div></a> </div></div>[/fm_folder] [fm]d=:url-1(:to-fid:):,o=u,l=10,s=:url-3(:to-page:):,no=no file||
<!---Made By>
<div class="catRow"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="10%" height="10℅"><img src="%urlthumb%" alt="" width="55" height="35"/></td><td align="left" width="100%"><a href="/page-4/%id%/%lname%.html"><b>%name%</b></a><br/><font color="red">%size%</font> || <font color="red">%hits%</font><font color="black"> Downlods</font></td></td></tr></table></div>[/fm]
i hope you have successfully configure the Folder code wapkiz website without any issues or error.if you have any doubts or queries feelfree to have comment below.
Thank you :)